The latest from the House of JIMS will be the Power House behind the 5-Ball Belly Tank
By Bandit, Paul Platts, with photos from the JIMS crew and a George Fleming illo
We’ve worked with JIMS staff for maybe 30 years, maybe longer. Jim Thiessen has one of the most solid companies in the industry. When the custom world is on fire JIMS keeps rolling along. So, when we decided to create something completely nuts for Bonneville in a Belly Tank configuration I discussed it with Jim and he immediately wanted to be involved.
I reached out to Paul Platts and quizzed ...
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Bonneville 2014 Race Report
A Year of the Strange and Wonderful
By Bandit with photos by Wrench
I woke up this morning, five days after the Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials ended, with a start. How the hell was I going to write this article? I couldn’t figure it out. I didn’t know where to start or how to couch all the action and obstacles.
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5-Ball Racing 2014 Chapter 3, sorta
One Crazy Year Reaching for the Salt
By Bandit with photos by Wrench
This has been a scramble, and not exactly on time, but we’ve moved forward and the whole scenario is working out perfectly. We’ll see in about a week. If you believe in anything, you believe in your efforts to make your dreams come true.
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Count Down to Bonneville 2014, July 17, 2014
34 days and the 5-Ball Racing team will be on the way to Bonneville.
Ray Wheeler
34 Days with a sleepless night and an early get-the-hell-up and your 5-Ball Racing Team will Haul ASS in an easterly direction on the cool black top at a rapid pace. Destination is the Bonneville Salt Flats.
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