Not Our Circus….
Using 1%er Clubs in the Media
By Amy Irene White
but there has been a virtual pandemic of fake news reports about bikers heading to ‘handle’ current events, and as one of their journalists, I feel like there are some things that really need to be said.
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Yo, Bandit… Could I have your attention for a moment?
By J.J. Solari
Do you know what a literati is? Yeah, me neither. But I THINK it’s when you arrive at whatever literature is via the pen. Or via the typewriter. Or via the keyboard. Maybe via the pencil. Or chalk on a board. I dunno. But I know it’s a thing.
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Reflections on Earth Day
An Alternative View
By Alex Epstein with images from Sam Burns and Wayfarer
Today is Earth Day, a day on which we are taught to feel guilty about our allegedly destructive impact on Earth—above all from our mass-use of fossil fuels.
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Our Sacred Democracy Once Again In Peril
Journalistic Shitsheet Is Firing Hacks
By J.J. Solari with images from the LA Times
The owner of The Los Angeles Times is firing so many of his hacks that all the other hacks at “major news entities” are freaking out about it and WRITING about it. While they can! HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Atomic Bob Original Art for Sale at Atomic Bob Shop
Atomic Bob meets the Flying Piston
Prince Najar
I got on the horn with Atomic Bob to ask him to donate some art for the upcoming Flying Piston Benefit online auction in Daytona on March 4, 2024.
Instead of answering the question, Bob growled about those thieving sons'a bitches hacking his Instagram account and were digitally squatting on his property.
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Moving from CO2 Capture to CO2 Coalition
By Frits Byron Soepyan with photos from Sam Burns
In my former career, I presented my research on optimizing a CO2 capture system for a coal-fired power plant in the 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting.
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Why We Buy
An extreme and absurd view for the heck of it
by Ujjwal Dey with illustrations by Wayfarer & friends
Before you ride 'em, you gotta buy 'em. Don't let the media tell you what to buy, allow me!
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