Come to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum
By Bandit and Jackpot
The Sturgis Museum and Hall of Fame curation committee recently received the opportunity to vote in and display this historic collection of bikes. They will be on exhibit in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum during the rally.
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Today’s ‘Climate Crisis’ Is a Fairy Tale
With a Bonus Bike Feature...
By Daniel W. Nebert with photos by Peter Linney
This myth is blindly accepted — even by many of my science colleagues who know virtually nothing about climate. As a scientist, my purpose here is to help expose this fairy tale.
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OLD YELLER: Still A Viable Street Machine
This little Yellow Bobber sold for above $15,000 dollars at a recent Mecums auction
by Buck Lovell with photos from Buck Lovell
Most motorcycles in America in the early 1950s were no nonsense, kick-start only iron with few if any frills or comfort features as we have today. Two wheeled motorcycles were economic, fair-weather transportation for those men and women who loved the sun on their face and the wind in their hair!
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Speed Meets Style
State Farm’s New Bobber Produced by Roys Toys Customs
By Prince Najar with photos by Jeff the flunky
Crystal Hess's Motorcycle Missions is a 501(c)3 non-profit focused to help Veterans and First Responders with PTS(D). Roy donated his shop and provided mentorship to build a one-of-a-kind Roys Toys Customs bobber.
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A Custom Indian Chief like no other
Noise Cycles & Zach Hines take a cruiser model to racing design
by Jeff Millard
Barber Vintage Motorcycle Festival, Indian Motorcycle debuted a custom Indian Chief like never before utilizing the power of Indian's Stock 111ci...
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The Little Red Chopper, Part 2
All the Players Step Forward
By Kent Weeks and Tom Young with photos by RFR and Sil
Harvey, the Veteran Owner, came to me by way of John Peek, who runs Full Throttle motorcycle shop in Houston, (one of the most successful, top-gas bike racers in Texas). Harvey recently moved back to this area and didn’t have anyone to help with the custom metal work he wanted to have done.
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The Little Red Story, Part 1
The '69 Shovelhead Chopper History and Build
by Kent Weeks with photos by Sil and RFR
To say this project has a long story is quite an understatement. Miracle two, we have all stayed friends and loosely in contact over the years. During this long, drawn-out period there are so many memories...
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