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Ride Forever -
Tuesday Edition



By Christy

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After I rode my Softail Standard that has mid controls for a few weeks I was feeling cramped, and my legs weren’t comfortable.

 I have long legs and having to be able to stretch them out while cruising is very relaxing to me.

 When I rode my Sportster years ago, I had forward controls. Once I got use to that feeling of extending my legs, not extending them, I felt cramped and uncomfortable while riding.


 Standard Forward Control Kit 50700061 | Harley-Davidson USA


Switch up your position for maximum comfort and style.

• Chrome finish

• Moves the controls 7.5 inches forward from the mid-control foot position, providing a comfortable riding position.

• Ideal for taller riders or those that like to stretch out when hitting the open road.

• Includes all components necessary to convert your mid-controls to forward controls.

 My mission was to find Softail forward controls to install on my bike. I asked my BF Rogue to help me find the right part for my bike.

 For someone who doesn’t do it all the time, looking at the Harley Davison catalog can be intimidating with all the model numbers, part names, and part numbers.

 I learned that if you go directly to the Harley Site there is a department where you can check to make sure any part fits your motorcycle. I typed in Harley-Davidson Parts 2023 FXST and found all kinds of things,


 Once we received the Forward Control kit, we examined the pieces and parts and took inventory.

 Reading the instructions is a must:

The directions really help when assembling parts on a Harley, and they also show you how difficult it is by the number of wrenches it shows (1 to 4).

This install involved two wrenches--easy...

 Some of the instructions got confusing, so I reread them a few times.

 The diagrams are detailed. They helped me understand the way the parts go together. If you feel like you’ve taken on more than you can chew I suggest you find a good motorcycle mechanic.

 Having a person with experience around is very helpful 'cause they have knowledge and experience.


 I rode the bike up on a lift and raised it to the perfect level. Motorcycle lifts are amazing.  This is supposed to be fun and a learning experience, not a crippling maneuver.


 We started by removing the factory controls off the left side of the bike. We decided to keep everything together and stored for a later day.

The left side kit component will be pre-assembled prior to installing on bike.

 After the pre- assembly, I installed the foot support bracket. Nylon washers, O rings, lock washers needed to be used when tightening with the torque wrench. Measurements were included in the instructions.


 I assembled the left support to frame by using Loctite 243 medium strength thread locker Sealant (Blue) to screws and torqued properly (read instructions).

 I next installed the shifter linkage rod to the rear shifter rod.

 The ride position should be adjusted to the rider's legs, so I'm comfortable and able to shift with ease. This could require a road test.

 Once the left forward control was installed, Rogue needed me to sit on the bike so he could make adjustments for my leg length.



Factory Stock Brake Position
Factory Stock Brake Position


 Follow disassembly of the right side by removing E clip, pins, foot pegs, torsion spring and support brackets. The instructions give very detailed descriptions.

 I completed all the steps to finish the right forward controls.

 The brake pedal needed to be assembled and mounted next following instructions and torquing, pivot screws.

 When assembling make sure to use Loctite 243 thread locker on all fasteners.

 The controls were positioned where my foot was comfortable with the brake operation.  

comfortable. My legs weren’t up around my neck or cramped. The brake pedal at the new angle was right where I wanted my foot to be.
Later we took our bikes out for a ride. Both legs were able to extend and feel at ease.

 With mids, I was forced to move my foot to the left to reach the brake. Forward controls allowed me to immediately press the brake pedal.

  I am very satisfied with this new install. A job well done and the experience of doing another install with Rogue was very educational.

 Everything I have learned with this install has reinforced my decision to purchase this cool H-D Softail. 



½ Drive Ratchet

½ Drive Torque Wrench


T-45 Torex ½ Inch Drive

T-40 Torex ½ Inch Drive

½ Inch Socket

3/8 Drive Ratchet


3/8 Drive Torque Wrench


¼ Long Allen Socket

(2) ½ inch Box End Wrenches

Needle Nose Pliers

E-Clip Removable Tool

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