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Friday Edition

Cool Package of Bling to GIVE AWAY!

You know you want it... just send us your email.

Bandit and the Bikernet Staff

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Want to win our new contest? Just send us your email, and get a chance to win a Bikernet package of bling!!

We have a cool package of bling to give away - one a week for the next 5 weeks.
5 chances to win!!

Winning Packages Can Include: 
1. A copy of ‘Pound of Flesh’ on DVD
(Jean-Claude Van Damme is the pulse-pounding action thriller, POUND OF FLESH - Rent it tonight with Movies on Demand.)
2. An autographed copy of one of Bandit’s books.

3. Bikernet Bling - Whatever happens to be sitting on the bench at the time we pack your surprise!!  It could be a Bikernet Motel Key Ring, a Bikernet T-Shirt, Bikernet stickers, or something else.
YOU could be our next Winner!!  So how do you win?


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Winners will be picked on a Monday and posted in the Thursday News, Sunday Post, Facebook and Blog for that week. 

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Nazareth, PA
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Editor Response Thanks much! We keep making strides.
Very cool!

michael reeves
fallon, NV
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Editor Response We do our best,

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