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Bikernet Reader Comments for August 2024

Direct from the Streets

By Bandit

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We receive comments from readers daily.
Some controversial, some informative and some tech questions, but they’re all good. Since the Bikernet Weekly News tomorrow will be a monster and we have some special letters, I decide to create this special column. The Sturgis Rally just ended and I’m also trying to get my head around a report. Hang On!

Brand New Bikernet Reader Comment!--Frankie 1964

I’ve seen the history of this story like many of us who survived the ‘70s through to the ‘80s. The cop raids, the unprovoked car checks by the cops, the bailbondsmen, the court dates to attend and the always having to watch you and brothers fall.

We lived to tell the stories that other brothers can't tell anymore. The new generation of biker should learn these stories and not make those mistakes again.

Rhys is right pay attention to the old brothers stories.

-- Gearhead
Torrance, CA

New HISTORIC Bikernet Reader Comment!--'60s SATAN SLAVES

I grew up in Cali, born near Bakersfield. All my older cousins were bikers back in the early '50s. We moved to N. Hollywood in 1958, I was 10. My best friends brother was an HA from Berdo.

When I came home from SEA, after 34 months. I had a major chip and a fight in my mind. With no fear, came home in August '71.
One of my favorite places was the Swinging Pussy Cat on Sherman Way and Reseda blvd. That was a Red and White bar. They treaded me with respect. The pres told me not to ever worry about problems with them.

Sometime in 1970s I was fooling with a top less dancer. Her man was getting out of San Quentin, after an 8-year stent. So, I was to disappear lol. But she had a twin sister she gave me. So, when he gets out we I him and I have words.. We go downstairs, i raised my hands, the next thing I know I’m waking up on the sidewalk, lol. He was gone and on parole. Cops on the way...

I knew there was a bar on the corner, so I took off walking. Unknowingly to me, it was a biker bar. I toasted, we’d been drinking Wild Turkey all night, and I was beat to shit. The only stool was next to a Slave. So I ordered another Turkey on the rocks and after a while tried to strike up a conversation with him. Now being around bikers literally all my life, I knew how to communicate with a 1%er, well this guy was not in the mood to talk. So I said, "Fuck the “Satin” slaves are pussies..."

The female bartender snapped, “Get out of here, now!” She grabbed my drink.

So, I left laughing. Well I didn’t laugh for long, Lol. I’d walked about 50 feet, and someone grabbed me by my almost waist long hair and threw me to the ground. Two Satens Slaves kicked the shit out of me, I laughed for a little while, then it started to hurt pretty good. Inbetween kicks, I said I just got home from VN two years ago, after 34 months.

They stopped kicking me, and said, “it looks like you’ve had your ass kicked enough for one night,” and walked away!!

That’s my SS story. I saw the guy at a gas station couple years later. I’m sure he recognized me. He just gave me a blank stare. Lol

--Rick Hicks
Somewhere in NE


This state (CA) seems to be heading the charge. Newsome and his Gestapo are doing it to the repair shops here. California started with the Mom and Pop power repair shops to force the gardeners here to go green. If we think that is a tiny move just wait until we can't get parts because we are the next phase!

Torrance, CA

Did you know the number of shops have dropped in half  from just a few years ago.


QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!--

As a motorcycle rider and Club Member, I DO NOT want the government regulating anything I do to my bike. All of this is ridiculous!

--Douglas J Trahan
New Iberia, LA


Please don't bring politics to this site.

-- Rhys
South Daytona, FL

I would generally agree, but this is a Biker effort. Plus, the other candidate has basically funded the invasion of our country. We must do something or be destroyed.

What bothers me the most is the message to our kids. They indoctrinate them with hate, no hope, doom and anti-humanity. It's about time we step up. Besides there will be no internal combustion motorcycles if their power continues.


New CLUB Bikernet Reader Comment!--'60s SATAN SLAVES

My father was a Slave I grew up around them till 3 years old. Then later run into HA SFV in Laughlin. Tiny, Rusty and more knew me immediately. Tripped me out.

--Sherri Atkins
Las Vegas, NV


This is important to maintain our rights to maintain and ride any type of bike on any fuel we want. Manufacturers want to force you to pay higher service charges and use manufacturer parts at a higher markup. Aftermarket parts are cheaper and in some cases better than manufacturers’ parts.

Fight for your rights to fix your motorcycle without losing your warranty.

-- Jim Nickla
Lake Balboa, CA

Click for the party...
Click for the party...

New EVENT ACTION Bikernet Reader Comment!--STURGIS ACTION BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for August 1, 2024

I know father time is waiting for all of us, but it still sends a pang of hurt when ya see an icon fighting the inevitable. Willie has given so much to the industry. Seeing him have to sit in a WC sucks. Viva Willie G.

-- Rhys
South Daytona, FL

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